This blog is simply a picture a day blog with the challenge to do it for a year. My friend Brandy and her mom, Robyn, started their POTD (Picture Of The Day) blogs at the beginning of the year. When I bought Brandy's old camera from her, I decided I would join them in this little adventure. My goal is to slowly learn how to use my new camera with settings other than automatic, and to learn how to edit pictures on the computer. If nothing else, it will be a reminder of our daily life this year, what we were up to, what the kids' were doing, and how much everyone has changed. I hope you enjoy the small glimpse into our lives.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Devils Tower, Wyoming.  If you've never been there, I highly recommend it.  It was amazing to say the least.  It was worth the extra two hours of driving.  It was really neat to see this sticking up out of the ground, pretty much all by itself.  When you go see it, you are able to drive right up to it, underneath the part that sticks up.  They had a walking path around it, too.  I would have really enjoyed that but unfortunately it was still snow covered and we didn't have our boots on.  Somehow I couldn't see Josh unloading the whole van just to get us our boots!  This was by far my favorite "sight" on our sight-seeing adventures.  I think the reason it was so cool to me was because it was not man-made.  It is simply made by God.  It is on my list of questions to ask God when I get to heaven!


  1. We've never seen this. I'll have to put it on my list of things to do, (only in the summer).

  2. Just make sure you bring Brandy with!!
