This blog is simply a picture a day blog with the challenge to do it for a year. My friend Brandy and her mom, Robyn, started their POTD (Picture Of The Day) blogs at the beginning of the year. When I bought Brandy's old camera from her, I decided I would join them in this little adventure. My goal is to slowly learn how to use my new camera with settings other than automatic, and to learn how to edit pictures on the computer. If nothing else, it will be a reminder of our daily life this year, what we were up to, what the kids' were doing, and how much everyone has changed. I hope you enjoy the small glimpse into our lives.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Sophia was so excited this morning because she spotted a turkey walking around our yard.  I have to admit, I was pretty excited, too, seeing it right out our window.  I quickly grabbed the camera in hopes of getting a couple good shots.  I like this one because you can see our cat in the background getting ready to pounce on the poor unsuspecting turkey.  And he did pounce on him.  It was hilarious to watch the shock of the turkey.  He spread his wings and flew or jumped or whatever.  Then he strutted quickly away with the cat following close behind.  He managed to make it up the hill and our cat must be lazy because he quickly gave up when he saw the turkey heading up that big hill.  Well, maybe just once I will have to post two pictures so you can see the cat trying to get the turkey!